He did not have much of a post-void residual on bladder scan. Less than 50 mL of residual urine is normal, and 200 mL or greater is abnormal (Nitti and Blaivas, 2007). and post void residual bladder ultrasound Correct choices seem to be either CPT code 76857 or 76775. What CPT code would you use if the physician per- forms a pyloroplasty and vagotomy in the. One method is to have the patient void and then measure any residual urine by catheterization.
In addition, AUA indicates that "if the urologist performs bladder US to view the anatomy, the architecture, or the morphology of the full bladder as well as to DETERMINE PVR AFTER VOIDING, use CPT code 76857." My questions, is our physician wrong to report CPT 51798 if based on the information from AUA, the PVR is included in the complete retroperitoneal study? Or in what cases CPT 51798 can be unbundled since the it has indicator 1 when CPT 7678 are report together? Hope I am making sense. Postvoid residual measurement assesses the volume of urine in the bladder after voiding and can be performed in the office. However, the American Medical Association has determined that CPT code 76770 should be billed if the clinical history suggest urinary tract pathology." Based on this information, CPT 76705 + 76857 = 76770 (for evaluation of kidneys and urinary bladder). Concern for postrenal acute kidney injury Voiding dysfunction Estimation of bladder volume (post-void residual) Hematuria.

Measurement of residual urine and/or bladder emptying capacity (CPT code 51798) is accomplished using ultrasound after voiding.

AUA has added that "when an abdominal ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound are performed to evaluate the kidneys and bladder, technically both a 76705 and a 76857 are performed to evaluate each of these organs. Uroflowmetry and ultrasound post-void residual (PVR) studies may be appropriate noninvasive tests given the clinical scenario and the options for treatment. Per AUA, a complete retroperitoneal ultrasound (CPT 76770) can be reported if complete evaluation of the kidneys and urinary bladder has been done and with clinical history suggesting urinary track pathology. This topic will review issues related to evaluation and management of AUR. In men, AUR is most often secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) AUR is rare in women 2,3. 2019 CPT code 51798 (Measurement of post-voiding residual urine and/or bladder capacity by ultrasound, non-imaging) should not be performed more than once. It is the most common urologic emergency 1. One of the urologist physicians that I work for wants to report CPT 76770 along with CPT 51798 (Measurement of post voiding residual urine). Acute urinary retention (AUR) is the inability to voluntarily pass urine.